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Post Info TOPIC: Verifikasi SwissCash


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RE: Verifikasi SwissCash

Melangkah Maju wrote:

ya, mudah2an benar begitu. tetapi blom ada ditentukan tanggalnya.

Itu dia, pak Valentino udah tahu websideya tapi masih dirahasiakan.

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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Peta Swisscash,-95.677068&sspn=23.875000,57.630033&latlng=45529772,-73545355,15016177830385285499&ei=MXcKR83uFYmG2wLbgOX9Aw&cd=1

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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Khabar baru sc, Mr. Robert Lee Memberitakan bahwa sc tidak ada masalah mereka sdh punya kantor resmi di mana2, dan akan kembali on antara 25-30 akhir okt, ini,,,info ini resmi dari manajemen swisscash
berita yg sama juga di sampaikan oleh Mr.Kelvin,, Manajemen sc tidak ada masalah, sc resmiskan kantornya dimana2, untuk kembali online tgl-25-30 akhir Okt ini, mohon di infokan ke semua investor, Thx

sumber : (kolom 4 mata)



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sebaiknya jangan disebarkan dulu info ini secara offline, sukup bagi pengguna internet saja yang tahu, sebab kita juga pusing menjawab pertanyaan para investor yang tidak mengerti internet. yang kedua, hal ini juga belum dapat dipastikan, agar orang2 nanti tidak kecewa lagi. jika memang SC sudah buka baru kita kabarkan bahwa SC sudah bila ol lagi. trims.

Langkah pertama akan menentukan arah dari langkah berikutnya hingga mencapai cita-cita kesuksesan kita


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Rabu, Oktober 10, 2007
Berita Terbaru SC-SIP25 & SMF 1948

Hati saya bergerak tenang untuk menyampaikan ke semua Investor setelah manajemen sc memberitakan apa yang sedang mereka kerjakan slama ini ,

Berita Terbaru SC-SIP25 & SMF 1948 , Manajemen SC Memberitakan, Untuk mencapai kesuksesan dan kesejahteraan dalam hidup ini dengan lebih cepat , Swisscash Berharap Untuk seluruh investor (Bersabaran) , karena kami manajemen SC masih dalam taraf perbaikan Infrastruktur , Untuk promosi global kami di seluruh manca negara yang terencana 2007 To 2010, SC sedang perbaikan infrastruktur , yang didalamnya terdapat data investor se-dunia , Dalam akses data kami harus benar-benar aman dari gangguan2 yang tidak kami/kita harapkan , Kami usahakan data-data Investor kami tidak terbaca oleh pihak ke tiga (Hacker,Dllnya, Juga profit para investor setia kami , hasil Investasi Investor kami ,Kami tidak ingin lenyap, karena ID , password , no KTP dan TAP Investor kami terbaca Oleh pihak2 tentu, jadi mohon bersabarlah , Karena kami SC sedang maintenance,Bersabarlah, karena kami (Manajemen SC masih memproses semuanya sampai aman ) karena ini menyangkut dana Investor kami semua , jika ditanya sampai tanggal berapa SC-SIP25-SMF 1948 Online, kami tidak bisa menjawab karena kami tidak mau dikata seperti yang lain, SCAM, tetapi kami ( SC ) akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk bisa berkibar lagi , Tentang hal Investasi Investor , kami jamin keamanannya , (Investasi para investor kami tetap dapat di nikmati jika SC sudah siap untuk beroperasi lagi ,Adanya Perencanaan Online dari kami antara -27 To 31 Oktober akhrir bulan ini, Maka kami akan mengirim sms atau email ke HP atau email para investor kami, kemudian para Investor harap memverivikasi ke para leader masing masing , Jadi tetap aman terkendali tidak sampai masuk ke website2 palsu yang mengatas namakan Swisscash.

Sekian dan terima kasih .

SC-SIP25-SMF 1948

Sumser SC SIP25 IBNU HAJAR M.Y di color=#ffffffSPAN class=quick-edit-icon /SPAN

Pesan dikirim oleh naga air di 11 October 2007 pada 6:36am - IP Logged



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Web SwissCash International yang baru sedang melakukan uji coba sistem pembayaran dan pembaharuan sistem. Mohon agar bersabar karena web baru yang diperkaya dengan fitur-fitur baru dan menggandeng rekan bisnis yang lebih solid sedang dalam tahap peluncuran. Keputusan ini diambil setelah melewati berbagai rintangan dan masalah yang terkait dengan legalitas situs SwissCash dan juga pembaharuan sistem demi kenyamanan melakukan transaksi perbankan.

Diinformasikan juga bahwa sistem e-point akan dihilangkan, yang berarti tidak akan ada lagi proses pembelian / penjualan e-point. Semua kegiatan perbankan akan langsung dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak perbankan yang terikat kerjasama dengan SwissCash, kemungkinan Bank yang ditunjuk adalah HSBC. Sistem ini akan menjadikan legal dan transparan. Sistem pentransferan antar member (internal transfers) masih akan tetap ada. Plan baru akan mecakup pembayaran sebesar 33% dan akan dikenakan charges biaya tranfer bank sebasar 8%. Kita hanya harus memantikan kabar baik ini, oleh karenanya para Investor akan diinformasikan melalui SMS dan E-mail atas nama SwissCash Management bulan ini.

SwissCash akan melakukan pertemuan untuk para investor di Indonesia pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2007 di pulau dewata Bali. Investor yang berminat bisa hadir tanpa dikenakan biaya apapun. Para Investor yang akan hadir harus membawa serta Sertifikat dan Passport (Tanda Pengenal ?)

Terima Kasih



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Agar info'nya nggak RANCU..saya baru saja kontak dgn pihak yg berwenang & yg punya Web, adalah tidak benar kalo SWISSCASH AKAN MENGADAKAN KONFERENSI DI BALI PD TGL 17 OKTOBER INI...JADI JANGAN PADA BINGUNG NTAR..


FOR FURTHER INFO PLEASE CALL: Mr.Valentino (+62818-0554-7666)



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Ladys and Gentlemans ...

SC/SMF 1948 will be back online on 31 October 2007 regardless of the outcome of the Malaysian Court Case. The reason for the delayed return of the website are nothing but "TECHNICAL" after the return. SC/SMF 1948 will hold a conferences on it.

Best Regards,
dr Albert Lee

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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Minal aidin wal faidzin. Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1428 H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin
Untuk Sementara mari kita lupakan SC, Saat yang tepat untuk ber maaf-maaf an.



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selamat merayakan idul fitri......

Langkah pertama akan menentukan arah dari langkah berikutnya hingga mencapai cita-cita kesuksesan kita


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Posts: 14

Minal aidin wal faidzin. Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1428 H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin
Untuk Sementara mari kita lupakan SC, Saat yang tepat untuk ber maaf-maaf an.



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Posts: 14

Minal aidin wal faidzin. Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1428 H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin
Untuk Sementara mari kita lupakan SC, Saat yang tepat untuk ber maaf-maaf an.



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Posts: 14

Minal aidin wal faidzin. Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1428 H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin
Untuk Sementara mari kita lupakan SC, Saat yang tepat untuk ber maaf-maaf an.



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ini brita bagus dari mgkn ada yg blm baca silahkan dan menurut Mr.Kalvin choo web ini asli.

Dear all Investors;

We really appreciate your patience till now. As we have promised before, we made all our efforts to save your investments over the market. Due to many unexpected problems in a short period of time for SC (Mareva Injunction, Malaysian Court Problems and Database corruption) We need your help and cooperation.

Here is our technical team message:
"Hello everyone, we have some quick updates to all our members. As it is now, the site is unavailable as we are moving on to a new website with an entire different script. We just received confirmation that the new website will be ready within the next 5 days (15th October) but we are still trying to meet that timeframe. As a result of the possible delay, we will embark on a compensation scheme later in the day. More details will be released later as we have to sort out some details first. Please help to spread the word about this latest update as we couldn't get hold of all members. It was a mistake on our part over the database corruption due to some legal forces and we will answer to it and not run away."

As stated in our last message we would be back in 9 phases. At this time our great partners who are planning everything now (Asia Pacific Capital investment Ltd. & SUN Financial Systems ) are in the beginning of PHASE one.

PHASE 1: Collecting Historical Data & Initializing Websites
- USA Residents 15th October
- Asia*, Middle East, Africa 31th October
- Europe, Australia 15th November

*Asia excluding Malaysia

We remind you that we will be back by this Timetable. We have heard recently that some Leaders and Investors from Malaysia and Middle East have started legal actions and complaints on International Courts against us, We strongly recommend all investors not to participate in their claims against SC or it's partners.

Ex-SC CFO Group Partnership Representative

Michael Mansfield Hector W.Sidberg




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Posts: 41

iya, yang punya teman di amrik, besok dah boleh di cek, kalau di amrik besok tak ol, berarti tak bisa dipercaya barang ni

Langkah pertama akan menentukan arah dari langkah berikutnya hingga mencapai cita-cita kesuksesan kita


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ini brita bagus dari mgkn ada yg blm baca silahkan dan menurut Mr.Kalvin choo web ini asli.

Dear all Investors;

We really appreciate your patience till now. As we have promised before, we made all our efforts to save your investments over the market. Due to many unexpected problems in a short period of time for SC (Mareva Injunction, Malaysian Court Problems and Database corruption) We need your help and cooperation.

Here is our technical team message:
"Hello everyone, we have some quick updates to all our members. As it is now, the site is unavailable as we are moving on to a new website with an entire different script. We just received confirmation that the new website will be ready within the next 5 days (15th October) but we are still trying to meet that timeframe. As a result of the possible delay, we will embark on a compensation scheme later in the day. More details will be released later as we have to sort out some details first. Please help to spread the word about this latest update as we couldn't get hold of all members. It was a mistake on our part over the database corruption due to some legal forces and we will answer to it and not run away."

As stated in our last message we would be back in 9 phases. At this time our great partners who are planning everything now (Asia Pacific Capital investment Ltd. & SUN Financial Systems ) are in the beginning of PHASE one.

PHASE 1: Collecting Historical Data & Initializing Websites
- USA Residents 15th October
- Asia*, Middle East, Africa 31th October
- Europe, Australia 15th November

*Asia excluding Malaysia

We remind you that we will be back by this Timetable. We have heard recently that some Leaders and Investors from Malaysia and Middle East have started legal actions and complaints on International Courts against us, We strongly recommend all investors not to participate in their claims against SC or it's partners.

Ex-SC CFO Group Partnership Representative

Michael Mansfield Hector W.Sidberg




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Posts: 14

ini brita bagus dari mgkn ada yg blm baca silahkan dan menurut Mr.Kalvin choo web ini asli.

Dear all Investors;

We really appreciate your patience till now. As we have promised before, we made all our efforts to save your investments over the market. Due to many unexpected problems in a short period of time for SC (Mareva Injunction, Malaysian Court Problems and Database corruption) We need your help and cooperation.

Here is our technical team message:
"Hello everyone, we have some quick updates to all our members. As it is now, the site is unavailable as we are moving on to a new website with an entire different script. We just received confirmation that the new website will be ready within the next 5 days (15th October) but we are still trying to meet that timeframe. As a result of the possible delay, we will embark on a compensation scheme later in the day. More details will be released later as we have to sort out some details first. Please help to spread the word about this latest update as we couldn't get hold of all members. It was a mistake on our part over the database corruption due to some legal forces and we will answer to it and not run away."

As stated in our last message we would be back in 9 phases. At this time our great partners who are planning everything now (Asia Pacific Capital investment Ltd. & SUN Financial Systems ) are in the beginning of PHASE one.

PHASE 1: Collecting Historical Data & Initializing Websites
- USA Residents 15th October
- Asia*, Middle East, Africa 31th October
- Europe, Australia 15th November

*Asia excluding Malaysia

We remind you that we will be back by this Timetable. We have heard recently that some Leaders and Investors from Malaysia and Middle East have started legal actions and complaints on International Courts against us, We strongly recommend all investors not to participate in their claims against SC or it's partners.

Ex-SC CFO Group Partnership Representative

Michael Mansfield Hector W.Sidberg




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Posts: 14

ini brita bagus dari mgkn ada yg blm baca silahkan dan menurut Mr.Kalvin choo web ini asli.

Dear all Investors;

We really appreciate your patience till now. As we have promised before, we made all our efforts to save your investments over the market. Due to many unexpected problems in a short period of time for SC (Mareva Injunction, Malaysian Court Problems and Database corruption) We need your help and cooperation.

Here is our technical team message:
"Hello everyone, we have some quick updates to all our members. As it is now, the site is unavailable as we are moving on to a new website with an entire different script. We just received confirmation that the new website will be ready within the next 5 days (15th October) but we are still trying to meet that timeframe. As a result of the possible delay, we will embark on a compensation scheme later in the day. More details will be released later as we have to sort out some details first. Please help to spread the word about this latest update as we couldn't get hold of all members. It was a mistake on our part over the database corruption due to some legal forces and we will answer to it and not run away."

As stated in our last message we would be back in 9 phases. At this time our great partners who are planning everything now (Asia Pacific Capital investment Ltd. & SUN Financial Systems ) are in the beginning of PHASE one.

PHASE 1: Collecting Historical Data & Initializing Websites
- USA Residents 15th October
- Asia*, Middle East, Africa 31th October
- Europe, Australia 15th November

*Asia excluding Malaysia

We remind you that we will be back by this Timetable. We have heard recently that some Leaders and Investors from Malaysia and Middle East have started legal actions and complaints on International Courts against us, We strongly recommend all investors not to participate in their claims against SC or it's partners.

Ex-SC CFO Group Partnership Representative

Michael Mansfield Hector W.Sidberg




Status: Offline
Posts: 14

ini brita bagus dari mgkn ada yg blm baca silahkan dan menurut Mr.Kalvin choo web ini asli.

Dear all Investors;

We really appreciate your patience till now. As we have promised before, we made all our efforts to save your investments over the market. Due to many unexpected problems in a short period of time for SC (Mareva Injunction, Malaysian Court Problems and Database corruption) We need your help and cooperation.

Here is our technical team message:
"Hello everyone, we have some quick updates to all our members. As it is now, the site is unavailable as we are moving on to a new website with an entire different script. We just received confirmation that the new website will be ready within the next 5 days (15th October) but we are still trying to meet that timeframe. As a result of the possible delay, we will embark on a compensation scheme later in the day. More details will be released later as we have to sort out some details first. Please help to spread the word about this latest update as we couldn't get hold of all members. It was a mistake on our part over the database corruption due to some legal forces and we will answer to it and not run away."

As stated in our last message we would be back in 9 phases. At this time our great partners who are planning everything now (Asia Pacific Capital investment Ltd. & SUN Financial Systems ) are in the beginning of PHASE one.

PHASE 1: Collecting Historical Data & Initializing Websites
- USA Residents 15th October
- Asia*, Middle East, Africa 31th October
- Europe, Australia 15th November

*Asia excluding Malaysia

We remind you that we will be back by this Timetable. We have heard recently that some Leaders and Investors from Malaysia and Middle East have started legal actions and complaints on International Courts against us, We strongly recommend all investors not to participate in their claims against SC or it's partners.

Ex-SC CFO Group Partnership Representative

Michael Mansfield Hector W.Sidberg




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Apakah ada yang udah webside baru SC yang sudah online? Hari ini udah tanggal 16 Oktober

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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Tidak ada, semua masih sebatas spekulasi....

Langkah pertama akan menentukan arah dari langkah berikutnya hingga mencapai cita-cita kesuksesan kita


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Posts: 33

Dear all Investors;

We really appreciate your patience till now. As we have promised before, we made all our efforts to save your investments over the market. Due to many unexpected problems in a short period of time for SC (Mareva Injunction, Malaysian Court Problems and Database corruption) We need your help and cooperation.

Here is our technical team message:
"Hello everyone, we have some quick updates to all our members. As it is now, the site is unavailable as we are moving on to a new website with an entire different script. We just received confirmation that the new website will be ready within the next 5 days (15th October) but we are still trying to meet that timeframe. As a result of the possible delay, we will embark on a compensation scheme later in the day. More details will be released later as we have to sort out some details first. Please help to spread the word about this latest update as we couldn't get hold of all members. It was a mistake on our part over the database corruption due to some legal forces and we will answer to it and not run away."

As stated in our last message we would be back in 9 phases. At this time our great partners who are planning everything now (Asia Pacific Capital investment Ltd. & SUN Financial Systems ) are in the beginning of PHASE one.

PHASE 1: Collecting Historical Data & Initializing Websites

- USA Residents 15th October
- Asia*, Middle East, Africa 31th October
- Europe, Australia 15th November

*Asia excluding Malaysia

We remind you that we will be back by this Timetable. We have heard recently that some Leaders and Investors from Malaysia and Middle East have started legal actions and complaints on International Courts against us, We strongly recommend all investors not to participate in their claims against SC or it's partners.

Ex-SC CFO Group Partnership Representative

Michael Mansfield Hector W.Sidberg




Status: Offline
Posts: 33

Dear all Investors;

We really appreciate your patience till now. As we have promised before, we made all our efforts to save your investments over the market. Due to many unexpected problems in a short period of time for SC (Mareva Injunction, Malaysian Court Problems and Database corruption) We need your help and cooperation.

Here is our technical team message:
"Hello everyone, we have some quick updates to all our members. As it is now, the site is unavailable as we are moving on to a new website with an entire different script. We just received confirmation that the new website will be ready within the next 5 days (15th October) but we are still trying to meet that timeframe. As a result of the possible delay, we will embark on a compensation scheme later in the day. More details will be released later as we have to sort out some details first. Please help to spread the word about this latest update as we couldn't get hold of all members. It was a mistake on our part over the database corruption due to some legal forces and we will answer to it and not run away."

As stated in our last message we would be back in 9 phases. At this time our great partners who are planning everything now (Asia Pacific Capital investment Ltd. & SUN Financial Systems ) are in the beginning of PHASE one.

PHASE 1: Collecting Historical Data & Initializing Websites

- USA Residents 15th October
- Asia*, Middle East, Africa 31th October
- Europe, Australia 15th November

*Asia excluding Malaysia

We remind you that we will be back by this Timetable. We have heard recently that some Leaders and Investors from Malaysia and Middle East have started legal actions and complaints on International Courts against us, We strongly recommend all investors not to participate in their claims against SC or it's partners.

Ex-SC CFO Group Partnership Representative

Michael Mansfield Hector W.Sidberg




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itu sumber dari



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Apakah sudah ada berita SC terbaru?

Bagi yang mau judi silakan join yang di signature saya, returnnya besar

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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New Swisscash Manajemen team partner

Jangan anda terhanyut dalam mimpi bahwa anda akan kaya dengan sc, sebelum anda invest bersama Swisscash. SC Pernah berkata yang mana invest bersama kami jangan anda berspekulasi hanya untuk mencari kekayaan dalam waktu yang singkat, kami akan menutup program kami setelah uang kami terkumpul 10 million dollar yang kami kumpulkan mulai yang terendah $100-$100,000.00,-Mulai bulan agustus 2007 dana yang kami harapkan sudah terkumpul sesuai target, SC adalah bahagian dari SMF1948, Dana ini kami serahkan ke SMF1948 Untuk di perdagangkan/ bertraiding. Sesuai janji kami akan membayar investor kami 5 kali lipat setelah tanggal jatuh tempo namun apa yang terjadi semua bukan kehendak kami di mana pada bulan Agustus, September, Oktober kita di halangi oleh securiti commission di malaysia, masalah ini sudah kita selesaikan dengan jalan yang sangat baik, pada bulan september ini kami berencana kembali dengan 6 website yang sedang stanby 3 website SWISSCASH & 3 Website SMF1948, Maaf kami dalam hal ini, sehubungan kondisi dalam bulan ini saham-saham dunia berjatuhan dan kami tidak dapat memulainya, kami SC mengerti dengan keadaan investor di suluruh dunia yang sedang menanti uang mereka, langkah masih sangat panjang, 05-07 November 2007 kami akan kembali dengan sistem yang jauh berbeda, kami ingin anda memulai, kami ingin anda bahagian darinya,


Manajemen team partner



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saia menemukan situs baru ini situas asli sc apa bukan yah??? mohon bantuannya rekan2



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sc udah pase dua loh, cek di



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ada questionaire di link link ini saia dapet dengan mengkilik logo sun financial system...

bingung euy>>>... ikutan ga yah???.... takut......

mohon bantuannnya rekan2



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Informasi dari pak Valentino itu palsu

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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ada yg bilang swisscashguide itu palsu... ada yg bilang juga asli.... bingung euy... mana yg harus dipercaya.... bikin stress ajah..

saia coba kirim e-mail ke new partner swisscash (katanya sih) asia pacific capital... kagak ada balasan... tapi saia yakin e-mailnya nyampe.... kalo ga nyampe kan biasanya balik lagi tuh...

duh capeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....................... deh



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Webside asli SC ada 3 nama domain Swisscash dan 3 nama domain Swiss Mutual Fund. Dan nanti dihosting 4 server.
SC akan kembali pada tanggal 9 Desember 2007 menurut Sultan Bolkiah, jadi kita tunggu aja.

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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Uang Investor Swisscash digaransi SMF 1948 bukan Asia Pacific Capital dan Sun Finnancial System

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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Data Persada wrote:

Uang Investor Swisscash digaransi SMF 1948 bukan Asia Pacific Capital dan Sun Finnancial System

iya sih... tapi kan katanya mereka new partnernya kan???



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Data Persada wrote:

Webside asli SC ada 3 nama domain Swisscash dan 3 nama domain Swiss Mutual Fund. Dan nanti dihosting 4 server.
SC akan kembali pada tanggal 9 Desember 2007 menurut Sultan Bolkiah, jadi kita tunggu aja.

mudah2 an yg ini bener deh beritanya
btw, ini info nya dari sumber yg mana bro...
mudah2 an jgn molor lagi kayak karet.....



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Info dari pak Valentino, saya telp beliau

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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wah tgl 9 desember yah... masih satu bulanan lagi...sabar...sabar...

coba kalo tanggal 9 november... kan asik tuh hehehehe

kalo itu kan partner swisscash... boleh ngga kita coba login ke situ.... tapi saia takut neh..

mohon bantuannya rekan2



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peace_on_earth wrote:

wah tgl 9 desember yah... masih satu bulanan lagi...sabar...sabar...

coba kalo tanggal 9 november... kan asik tuh hehehehe

kalo itu kan partner swisscash... boleh ngga kita coba login ke situ.... tapi saia takut neh..

mohon bantuannya rekan2

Jika anda punya account SC yg cuma $100, boleh coba tuh biar kita tahu kebenarannya.
Saya sendiri sih nyesel udah entri data ke sono

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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Data Persada wrote:

Jika anda punya account SC yg cuma $100, boleh coba tuh biar kita tahu kebenarannya.
Saya sendiri sih nyesel udah entri data ke sono

justru itu bro, account saia 1000 USD makanya saia kagak berani coba2, itu aja modalnya dapet pinjem dari bank, trus belom dapet return sepeserpun... cry semua penantian ini membuat saia cape dan lelah.... tapi mungkin ini ujian... bagaimanapun juga live must go on... cayo semangat lagee... hehehehe



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ada info baru ttg website sc tapi belum boleh dipublikasikan.... maafkan saia teman2.... kontek saia di 081807994587



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peace_on_earth wrote:

ada info baru ttg website sc tapi belum boleh dipublikasikan.... maafkan saia teman2.... kontek saia di 081807994587

Oh itu, ya kita tunggu aja :)

btw, saya nyesel udah entri data ke suntraders tapi ngak kirim id card dan sertificate

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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to data persada

ini saia yg pake id prince-sc di chatroom memberswisscash, boleh minta no hp nya??? buat saling tuker info ajah

udah nyobain belom???



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Data Persada wrote:

Melangkah Maju wrote:

ya, mudah2an benar begitu. tetapi blom ada ditentukan tanggalnya.

Itu dia, pak Valentino udah tahu websideya tapi masih dirahasiakan.

bener loh temen2, websidenya sc udah ada tapi belom boleh dipublikasikan... saia sendiri terkaget-kaget sekaligus tersenang-senang... akhirnya hehehebiggrin terimakasih ya tuhan



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wah infonya jadi kagak jelas lage.... bingung lagi euy.....



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Langkah pertama akan menentukan arah dari langkah berikutnya hingga mencapai cita-cita kesuksesan kita


Status: Offline
Posts: 33

Coba Tengok wrote:


harapan terakhir adalah tgl 9 desember, kalo tgl 9 des sc ngga OL... berarti sudah tidak ada harapan lage... dan kita harus merelakannya



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Posts: 33

forum ini hampir mati... kagak ada pengunjungnya....

ada gossip baru neh dari

As promised By swisscash it would complete 9 phases and Return to operation with full swing from 5th Jan 2008. Leaders from Singapore and philipines had warned Downline not to Submit Any Personal info to Suntraders .

Leaders had Confirmed that Swisscash Will Add up Epoints ( monthly commisions ) as per the Old Plan SIP25 till december.

Pass this info to your Downline and Support your downlines with all the latest info. We are working Hard to get you the Updates on Swisscash.

namanya juga gossip... boleh percaya boleh kagak





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Posts: 35

Phase 4

Congratulations to all;

The Qualification Period has finished in 15th of November! Now Sun Traders is upgraded to the new Status level (Phase 4) and after reviewing sent information from subscribers and comparing them with SC datasheets, new account details (ID and Password) are in the process of being sent to qualified investors, actually those who are true old investors and being qualified by our management and financial team.

You are in the way of catching new benefits straight away. We are sending new account details to half of qualified members up to 30th of November and for the others up to 15th of December.

We will have great plans for the year 2008 for all our new and old investors. So keep in touch until we finish phase 6 in 2007 and the other 3 phases in 2008.

20. Nov.2007
Charles Peterman
Founder, Chairman and CEO

_____________Technical Team Message______________

Total Forms Received: 748,532
Total True Subscribers: 208,286
Total Documents Received: 83,098

Note: Those who have applied and have not sent documents should send their documents, up to the 27th of November so we can approve their claim.

Note: Please send all your documents (Scan of valid Identity Passport, National ID card- Scan of Investment Certificate or Investment Confirmation email) to

Ini benar atau tidak yah Suntraders?

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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Posts: 35

9 December memang hari terakhir, ehhhhhh ngak tahunya tanggal 5 January.....
Ini semuanya saya pikir adalah trick saja.
SC boleh dipastikan tidak ada lagi

Coba check ke semua SMF dan SC side semua berakhir tanggal 18 Agustus dan tidak ada perubahan sama sekali setelah 3 bulan lebih

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.


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Posts: 35

Dear Investors,

It was reported today that 8 Malaysians have been apprehended and under questioning by local authorities for cheating a number of investors in their own country. This syndicate had been collecting money from potential investors to invest in many Internet Scams and had never actually invested their money with SwissCash.

Swiss Mutual Fund has been coordinating with the local authorities into leading to the arrests of these culprits after receiving various suspicion enquiries and complains.

Again, we urge all investors who had invested or intend to promote our financial facility to not associate yourselves into any tactics of utilizing our facility to soliciting funds from public for your own personal benefit. Swiss Mutual Fund will not hesitate into taking any action against any party and coordinating with any local authorities to stopping their activities should we have found out their involvement in any suspicious transactions.

We would like to also take this opportunity to clarify that SwissCash is the only financial facility we offer to our global investors. We had never backed up or sponsored or launched any other financial facility that caters to the public.

Thank you

Compliance Department
Swiss Mutual Fund

__________________ - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.

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